Sunshine Rigid Solar Panels

Sunshine Solar Crystalline Range encompasses both monocrystalline meaning a “single crystal” and polycrystalline meaning “many crystal” solar panels. 

Mono or Poly? there are many debates as to which one is best but here are the facts

Monocrystalline are temperature coefficient, which means that as the panels get hotter they will typically outperform polycrystalline, the monocrystalline process produces higher efficiency cells so you get more power onto the same surface area, however due to developments in solar cell technology moncrystalline and polycrystalline are becoming more and more alike and from our own tests here at Sunshine Solar in the UK, performance levels are now so similar that the answer to the question Mono or Poly could be more to  do with aesthetic personal preference and solar panel size  rather than performance.

80W Polycrystalline Solar Panel
£106.45 £65.15 (Save 39%)
21 Points
Sunshine Solar 100W 12V Mono - Shingled Slimline
£151.59 £92.79 (Save 39%)
36 Points
Sunshine Solar Panels 100W 12V Mono Super-Slim
21 Points | Out of Stock
Sunshine Solar Panels 110W 12V Crystalline
£125.49 £76.89 (Save 39%)
25 Points
120W Sunshine Lightweight Solar Panel - Glass Free
£209.00 £127.98 (Save 39%)
42 Points
Sunshine Solar 120W 12V Mono - Full Black
£131.95 £80.79 (Save 39%)
26 Points
Sunshine Solar 150W 12V Mono - Full Black
£141.69 £86.70 (Save 39%)
28 Points
Sunshine Solar 130W 12V Mono - Shingled Slimline
£155.19 £94.98 (Save 39%)
36 Points
Sunshine Solar Panels 140W 12V Mono
£138.78 £84.98 (Save 39%)
28 Points
135W RV Sunshine Solar Panel - Integrated Mounts
£221.69 £135.69 (Save 39%)
45 Points
135W Sunshine Lightweight Solar Panel - Glass Free
£229.25 £140.39 (Save 39%)
46 Points
Sunshine Solar Panels 160W 12V Crystalline
£158.65 £104.59 (Save 34%)
34 Points
Sunshine Solar 170W 12V Mono - Shingled Slimline
39 Points | Out of Stock
Sunshine Solar 180W 12V Mono - Shingled Slimline
47 Points | Out of Stock
180W RV Sunshine Solar Panel - Integrated Mounts
60 Points | Out of Stock
Sunshine Solar Panels 185W 12V Mono
£209.00 £127.98 (Save 39%)
42 Points
Sunshine Solar Panels 190W 12V Mono
43 Points | Out of Stock
Sunshine Solar Panels 200W 12V Crystalline
£195.19 £119.49 (Save 39%)
39 Points
400W Solar PV Mono Half Cell - All Black
£215.59 £153.09 (Save 29%)
32 Points
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